
Think small but Dream big - OUT scholarship! by Johnny Chiu

Begin in April, so many Taiwan design students apply OUT scholarship , continued to interview with 10 nominate students in May, and finally we successfully send the top 4 students go abroad to Russia, Germany, Italy, UK and India! 

Yesterday, we just accomplished 3 big OUT sharing event including in Taipei 松菸, Taoyuan 中原 University, Taichung 東海 University. We appreciate so much with you and your friends join this OUT program, to build our small think but DREAM BIG together in Taiwan!

Finally, we'd like to thank a lot to J.C.Architecture, Yen Partnership, Dumas Design, Envision Engineering Consultants, who are this year sponsor company for scholarship. Without them, we couldn't dream come true.

OUT Scholarship, see you next year!


Chung Yuan Christian University

Chung Yuan Christian University

Tunghai University

Tunghai University

Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Let's get "OUT" and get back sharing lecture! by Johnny Chiu

OUT Scholarship 旅遊獎學金至今已送出80萬元與集結專業建築背景老師等教導,集合所有力量及資源,帶領台灣建築設計學生出國旅遊並帶回更多啟發性的旅遊分享演講會。

這次分享會特別邀請到柏成設計 邱柏文、十彥建築 林彥穎 & 陳彥伶為大家介紹,憑藉著建築專業設計背景與豐富異國的工作及旅遊經驗,帶領學生進行一對一深度Q&A講座,一起發掘學生在旅程中所獲得新知變成嘗試解惑的線索。

柏成設計 負責人 | 邱柏文
十彥建築 主持建築師 | 林彥穎 & 陳彥伶


劉易昌 | The uncertainty of the living
黃思寧 | Public space in Europe
黎士瑄 | Transportation, Transformation, Contrast and Cross-culture
袁苡溱 | The storytelling expert- the humanistic value of curating design in British museums

J.C. Architecture 柏成設計
Yen Partnership 十彥建築
Dumas 大塊設計
Envision Engineering Consultants 築遠工程顧問

活 動 | OUT Scholarship 第一場分享會 (WDC台北世界設計之都響應活動)
時 間 | 2016.10.16(日) 13:00-15:00
地 點 | 台北松菸 北向菸廠
費 用 | 免費入場 (現場備40人座位) 

OUT Scholarship Web

OUT 1st Sharing Event on FB

欲參加 2017 OUT Scholarship同學歡迎當日前來詢問,活動負責人會於10/16協助諮詢

東海大學 建築系 黃思寧 | Public space in Europe 俄羅斯、義大利、德國

東海大學 建築系 黃思寧 | Public space in Europe 俄羅斯、義大利、德國

東海大學 建築系 劉易昌 | The uncertainty of the living 印度

東海大學 建築系 劉易昌 | The uncertainty of the living 印度

實踐大學 建築設計系 黎士瑄 | Transportation, Transformation, Contrast and Cross-culture 英國

實踐大學 建築設計系 黎士瑄 | Transportation, Transformation, Contrast and Cross-culture 英國

中原大學 室內設計系 袁苡溱 | The storytelling expert- the humanistic value of curating design in British museums 英國

中原大學 室內設計系 袁苡溱 | The storytelling expert- the humanistic value of curating design in British museums 英國